duminică, 4 iulie 2010


All these voices in my head,
are telling me you have been bad,
for I was only gonna play ,
but now I have to make you pay
for all the years that I have lost.

For all the dreams you turned to dust,
I'll carve that funny face of yours,
I'll pop your eyes , i'll cut your nose,
you funny rag doll with blue hair ,
I'll throw you back into your box!

3 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...


Masaj erotic Oradea spunea...


Program liga 1 spunea...

Buna ziua
Imi cer scuze ca va deranjez insa va scriu pentru a va propune sa facem un schimb de linkuri - 3 way link exchange - in sensul ca eu voi pune linkul dumneavoastra pe http://i-love-iasi.blogspot.com/ iar dumneavoastra imi adaugati un link catre http://iasi365.com cu titlul Program liga 1
Daca doriti sa facem schimbul doresc sa-mi spuneti titlul linkului dumneavoastra( adresa mea de mail este iacob_ctin@yahoo.com).
O zi buna va doresc